Hey there, wonderful humans! Today, I want to dive into a theme that's been popping up in a lot of my sessions lately: life transitions. You know, those moments when it feels like you've reached the end of one map and you're squinting at the horizon, wondering where the next one begins. Fun times, right?
The New Map Conundrum
When we're going through big transitions—be it a new job, a breakup, moving to a new city, or even deciding to adopt a pet—it's like stepping into the unknown. Suddenly, you're without a compass, and the paths ahead look like a labyrinth designed by a very bored minotaur. The uncertainty can be paralyzing. Is this the right path? What if I end up in a metaphorical ditch?
Values: Your Built-In Compass
Here's where I come in with my trusty therapist hat and a nugget of wisdom. When you're facing this trepidation, figuring out what you know about your own values can be your guiding star. Think of your values as a compass for finding the right path on your new map. Values can be tricky, though. It's easy to rattle off a laundry list: "I believe in being a good person, compassion, empathy, warmth, humor, family, authenticity, bravery, love, security, safety..." (and on and on).
But let's be real—if you try to follow all those values at once, you might end up going in circles. So, I challenge my clients to narrow it down to their top two. Yes, just two. It's like picking your favorite child, but necessary.
How to Choose Your Top Two Values
I get it—it's insanely difficult to narrow it down. One way to think about it is to ask yourself: without these values, would any of the others matter? For me, authenticity is at the top of my list. If I'm not showing up authentically, I don't experience connection, safety, or love. Authenticity is my non-negotiable, my ride-or-die value.
Reflect and Ground Yourself
I encourage everyone to reflect on their core values every once in a while. It gives you something to ground yourself to when you're feeling lost. Using your values as your compass during life transitions can really help with that fear of making the wrong decision. Lean into your values, and no matter what happens, it will have been a good decision. It may not work out the way you envisioned, but you'll grow, you'll learn, and you'll show up in a way that feels true to you.
Thank you for tuning into my blunt and random thoughts for the week. Remember, life transitions might be scary, but you've got this. Use your values as your compass, and you'll navigate your way through with grace, grit, and a bit of humor.
Stay blunt, gritty, and witty, my friends!