(Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing):
When you get a cut on your arm, if you keep it clean and tend to it in the right ways, it will naturally heal. Our bodies are designed to do this, and so are our brains. EMDR offers a set of tools that will enable your brain to do just that--to process, heal, and learn from even the most harrowing moments of your life. You don't have to stay stuck. You can move from barely surviving to genuinely thriving.
Typically, when we experience a traumatic event, eventually the intensity of the emotion when remembering the event fades. However, sometimes our internal alarm system doesn’t shut down and we continue to experience flooding of emotions whenever the memory is brought to the surface. This is our nervous system going into “fight-flight-freeze-fawn” mode.
EMDR is different that typical therapy as it combines bilateral stimulation with memories of the trauma so new meaning can come from the experience. When this happens, our nervous system is able to turn off the alarm system and the emotional flooding no longer happens.
There are many creative ways we can incorporate EMDR into therapy sessions and I’m happy to discuss what would be the best fit for you or your child. I have specialized training in working with children as young as 3 years old with EMDR therapy.
To learn more about this model, please refer HERE
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