(Emotionally Focused Family Therapy):

Emotionally Focused Family Therapy ― follows the principles and practices of Emotionally Focused Therapy to restore connection and promote resilience in family relationships.
The principle goal of EFFT is to re-establish more secure family patterns where attachment and caregiving responses are effective and emotional bonds are repaired. These resources inform a network of security that provides the flexibility and closeness necessary for families to promote individual growth and meaningful relationships across generations.
Goals of EFFT:
Accessing and expanding awareness of unacknowledged feelings associated with the family’s negative pattern.
Reframing family distress and child problems within relation blocks reinforcing this distress.
Promoting awareness and access to underlying caregiving intentions and disowned attachment related needs.
Facilitating the sharing of unmet attachment needs and effective caregiving responses.
To learn more about this model, please refer HERE
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